Sunday, February 10, 2008

About This Blog

Welcome! I am starting this blog to share my enthusiasm for film. Despite whatever shortcomings it may have as a film repository or a service, I love Netflix and wish I invented it. Yes, I leave the house and no, my life isn't consumed with film watching, but I actively manage the queues I've got working. That's right, queues plural.
For a while I have been trying to watch as many films noir as I can (check out TSPDT for further info on the noir style), but I've also scratched my itches in existential film, westerns, and any semi-new releases I might've wanted to see but missed.
A favorite movie guide book of mine is the Time Out Film Guide. I am amazed at how often I pick up this book.

Just a quick bit about me. Three years ago I gave up my 9 to 5 to go to graduate school in Social Documentation at UC Santa Cruz. For my graduate thesis I made a 40 minute video documentary called "First Gravy: Journeys of the Hammond Organ" with a focus on soul-jazz. Here's a tiny clip dealing with gospel organ. I'm a huge fan of the soul-jazz subgenre of jazz. On rare occasions, I dj soul-jazz sets, and try to always be learning.

So what you have here is...I watch a film and try to immediately write a short review. Nerd alert! I've been keeping an excel spreadsheet with these reviews for some time now. Generally speaking, my reviews are somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 words. They are not all of equal quality. Sometimes I may have had a few rye & ginger ales, other times it's 2 a.m. and I'm not feeling particularly insightful. Overall, I've been rating the movies out of a possible 5 stars.


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