I haven't posted to this blog in quite some time. Things had been rolling along smoothly enough, although my life was thrown into a dark place with the January news that our baby Bacchus, our Boston Terrier, our creature of love, was dying with an inoperable brain tumor. It's not easy for me to express how devastating this news was. Bacchus was our constant companion who provided unconditional love each day. We don't have any human children, so Bacchus was the end-all, be-all for us.
Each couple of weeks he got sicker and his deterioration manifested in symptoms easy to see and painful to watch--he stopped enjoying his walks and riding in the car, he could no longer walk straight but rather only circle to his left, his eyesight failed, he no longer took to drinking water, he couldn't eat hard kibble, he started peeing in the house, his walking was no longer steady.
We took care of him as best we could, but on May 29th he suffered several seizures and didn't make it through. The loss we feel is tremendous. In the 6 weeks since, Bacchus' absence is greatly felt as is the void he used to fill. I miss my boy. I am grateful when he comes to me in my dreams.
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